Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Life of being a big sister

I am 18 years old, a student, a daughter and a proud big sister or in tagalog "Ate" to my brother and sister. How can I define being a big sister? I have a lot in my mind to describe it. When I was small I thought that being an "Ate" was just a playmate to my brother and sister. I was just so innocent of how my responsibilities are big. As time goes by questions are being answered on what are my roles in my family. I started understanding it when I was in Grade 6 because at that time we don't have a maid anymore so, when my parents are busy I need to be responsible with the house and my brother and sister. At first, I was confused why I should be responsible for that matter because for me I was just so small to handle things. I have realized that I should be a role model to them.
Being a big sister I need to undergo a certain development of being a person. At first, your just a playmate. Then, eventually your the homework teacher and their best friend. When you have finally grown into a lady you're acting as the "little mother" for your brother and sister. I have experienced doing their homework, prepare them to school and to have a heart to heart talk about the things they wanted. Maybe I have grown to this kind of environment because of the love of my parents and because they thought me the value of family. Of course, relationship normally undergo trial we can never avoid but we can understand it. Most of the time the number one argument would be jealousy among them. I admit that I once felt it because I thought I was taken for granted. But, I have already surpassed that stage in my life because that things was so childish to feel.
"Ate" is not just a word, you'll have to make it to life. I love my brother and sister more than anyone else in this world. I would never exchanged anyone for them. I want to tell everyone that we should love our brothers and sisters because we will never know of how long we will be together. As, for me my brother has a heart condition so, I am cherishing all the moment with him and my sister. I want you all to hug your brothers and sister and tell them you LOVE them.
Of course, this is not just for the "Ate" out there also I am sharing the same thing to all big brothers or "kuya" out there. Let's love each other. Share the Love! mwahh


  1. Amen!
    Spend a lot of time with your parents and siblings and specially to your self. And don't forget that God is always there to help us =]

  2. Right. "Love each other". kapatid masayang kasama sa buhay. haha:) they are really close friends of ours.

  3. thanks for the comments...Share the Love!

  4. this is a nice article, coming from your heart.It shows how much you love your brother and sister. loving them means loving your parents as well. I adore that you know that you need to be a role model to them. keep it up and i pray that you would fulfill all your dreams , just stick with it and soar high !

  5. nice ate ailyn.. hehe.. you are a good frend and a good ate :) stay what you are,, takecare plge :)
