Wednesday, August 18, 2010

My Bestfriend

Collins is my best friend since 1st year high school. As far as I can remember we've been close around 2nd year high school. We are always asking each other way back high school how our friendship began. It was so weird because we cannot really remember a certain moment that made as closer. Well for me that was not important at all beacuse as long as we are sharing the same views about everything and we are happy together nothing should be asked. She was so mabait to me and to our other friends namely: jas,jan, gehlai and thomas. I remember that every time we had our field trip she was always my seat mate and we share our foods together. I always told her that you have to go to the field trip because I am going. (haha) We shared some interest like our favorite band spongecola. We are together when we first watched the gig of SC at Sta. Lucia Mall that was September 20, 2008. We are really overjoyed with that experience because it was our first time seeing them sing live. Also, we greet each other in our birthdays (as in always walang palya) and most of the time we celebrate it with other friends. I remember when we were in high school she always had celebration at their house and of course I was always present because it was kainan (hehe). I really missed the moments when we are in High school.

We are now leaving our separate ways because we are studying at different school but we keep in touch through facebook and text. She is studying at PUP while I am studying at Fatima. Our schools are so far away so we never had the chance to gala somewhere. I really miss her company. I hope to see her again if we both have time.

The moment we shared are so simple for others but those moments were one of my treasured moments with a good friend and will be remembered forever.

hope to see you soon girl!

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